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how will i laugh tomorrow when i can\'t even smile today
how will i laugh tomorrow when i can't even smile today  detail>>
only when i laugh (film)
du rire aux larmes (film)  detail>>
when can i see you again?
when can i see you again?  detail>>
how can i sleep with your voice in my head
how can i sleep with your voice in my head  detail>>
i can
i can  detail>>
if i can\'t
if i can't  detail>>
i love your smile
i love your smile  detail>>
even as i stood there
même quand j'étais encore là; encore je reste là  detail>>
even as you and i
even as you and i  detail>>
laugh? i nearly bought one!
laugh? i nearly bought one!  detail>>
i\'ll cry tomorrow
une femme en enfer  detail>>
for today i am a boy
for today i am a boy  detail>>
i don\'t live today
i don't live today  detail>>
today i am a clown
enfin clown  detail>>
even when
même quand  detail>>
i even met happy gypsies
j'ai même rencontré des tziganes heureux  detail>>
i can\'t go for that (no can do)
i can't go for that (no can do)  detail>>
when i come around
when i come around  detail>>